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The One Technique


Are you familiar with the Pareto Rule of 80/20?

Do you know that by spending as small as 20% of your time being mindful you can be 80% more successful in what you do?

The One Technique is written and designed for those who want to overcome resistance within and achieve success without. Here, the author shares with the readers his journey of how being mindful using mediation was the single most powerful tool to turn his life around from the misery of smoking and drunkenness, a near breakup, loss of a job, to a life of peace, abundance and a harmonious relationship by living his true values that bring him joy.

Author – Harry Alexander

Author – Harry Alexander

  • I am an internationally-known life coach, Speaker and Author. A commissioned Officer of the Indian Navy with 15 Years of Experience in the corporate world.
  • The inspiration for the book “The One Technique” was the question- Do I have to be thinking always to be alive?
  • My purpose for this book is for you to live a healthy life full of happiness & Success.

Praise for the Book - The One Technique

“The One technique is the story of the transformation of Harry Alexander ….. one breath at a time. It is a book on meditation…. Focusing on the Why rather than the How. It is simple, fun, real and is powerful …. because it wakes us up to the dormant superhero within us…. The Superconscious Mind”

– V Shetty

“I have read a lot about positivity in the past. But the newness of The ONE Technique is explaining the process of mindfulness. As Harry has said rightly we know through these theories that how a fruit should look like, taste like, feel like, smell like. But what we miss, is we have never tasted the fruit, so we get lost in the search. Harry will guide you to find this link through his journey. A must read for all in search of that missing link between the unlimited resource the universe”

– Diana Pais

“This Book is an extensive work of Labour, where the Author does not create a myth or tell us to believe him for what he says or things, but he tells us, quoting extensively from various sources , his thought process is crystal clear, which is not only transparent but also a pathway to starting point of the journey.

Harry Alexander, is candid in telling the readers that he has faced similar issues or battled the same bulge and baggage in literary or figurative sense, the obsession with work, mild alcoholism or living in the smug arrogance of feeling Invincible, What happens if he suddenly loses his job”

Ranjai Ghosh, Ex Professor of Economics, Marketing and Researcher

“A book which will guide you in some way or the other in your spiritual as well as material journey.

Good work Harry”

Saurabh Chavan, Author: The journey of my life to happiness and beyond